All our kittens will be fixed or neutered before they go to a new home
All our kittens will be fixed or neutered before they go to a new home
U2-2 AVAILABLE $1200
U2-2 AVAILABLE $1200
sex: Male
sex: Male
breed: Scottish Straight Highland
breed: Scottish Straight Highland
color: Silver Tabby
color: Silver Tabby
DOB: 03/19/2024
DOB: 03/19/2024
mom: Royce Blue Scottish Fold Highland
mom: Royce Blue Scottish Fold Highland
dad: Zefir Blue Point Scottish Straight Highland
dad: Zefir Blue Point Scottish Straight Highland
class: show
class: show
Q3-4 AVAILABLE $1500
Q3-4 AVAILABLE $1500
sex: Male
sex: Male
breed: British Shorthair
breed: British Shorthair
color: Golden Chinchilla
color: Golden Chinchilla
DOB: 06/25/2024
DOB: 06/25/2024
mom: Viva BRI ny12
mom: Viva BRI ny12
dad: Ignat BRI ny12
dad: Ignat BRI ny12
class: show
class: show
T3-6 AVAILABLE $1200
T3-6 AVAILABLE $1200
sex: Female
sex: Female
breed: British Shorthair
breed: British Shorthair
color: Calico Tabby
color: Calico Tabby
DOB: 07/11/2024
DOB: 07/11/2024
mom: Firuze BRI
mom: Firuze BRI
dad: Ignat BRI ny12
dad: Ignat BRI ny12
class: show
class: show
V3-2 AVAILABLE $1500
V3-2 AVAILABLE $1500
sex: Male
sex: Male
breed: British Shorthair
breed: British Shorthair
color: Black Golden Chinchilla Tabby
color: Black Golden Chinchilla Tabby
DOB: 08/05/2024
DOB: 08/05/2024
mom: Foxy BRI Golden Chinchilla
mom: Foxy BRI Golden Chinchilla
dad: Ignat BRI Golden Chinchilla
dad: Ignat BRI Golden Chinchilla
class: show
class: show
eyes when adult: Green
A4-1 AVAILABLE $1200
A4-1 AVAILABLE $1200
sex: Female
sex: Female
breed: British Longhair
breed: British Longhair
color: White
color: White
DOB: 09/18/2024
DOB: 09/18/2024
mom: Q1-2 White British Shorthair
mom: Q1-2 White British Shorthair
dad: Zefir Scottish Straight Highland
dad: Zefir Scottish Straight Highland
class: show
class: show